Breakthrough Seminars

Breakthrough Seminars


Finding Hope in the Darkness of Depression. Depression Outreach offers seminars for those seeking to go deeper in an interactive format that allows you to experience the real breakthrough you have been seeking.

Here is what others are saying…
“Both my husband and I have suffered depression for years, he far more than I. I was astonished to learn how many causes for depression there are and excited to discover the various ideas that the average person can apply to address these feelings. This seminar was easily the best, most practical one I’ve ever attended. Great job!
– Kathy W.

“I loved how Dr. Lovejoy and Dr. Knopf brought in the spiritual issues. It helped me better understand how God sees depression and how He sees me with it. I’ve long struggled with my faith over my emotions, and now I feel affirmed as never before. What a blessing this seminar has been to me! Great presenters, too! I can’t wait to read the book.”
– Linda M.

“When I came, I really didn’t know what to expect. But, as the seminar progressed, I was amazed about what I learned about myself. It was like they had read my autobiography. The things Dr. Lovejoy and Dr. Knopf shared have revolutionized the way I think about my problems…and about God. I’ll be first in line to buy the book.”
– Harold L.

Outline of topics (4 hours):

– The Characteristics and Patterns of Depression
– The Purpose of Depression: The Divine Image on Display
– The Role of Anxiety in Depression
– Predisposing Factors and Causes of Depression
– The Problem of Low Self-esteem and How to Change It
– Modeling the Brain: The Use of Antidepressant Medication
– Modeling the Mind: Changing the Internal Commentary
– Dealing with Guilt, Shame and Anger
– Engaging the Spiritual Dimension: Stereotypes of Depression
and the Concepts of God


Outline of further topics covered (6 hours):

– Understanding the Depression Tri
– The Bible’s Perspective of Anxiety and Depression
– Six Self-defeating Beliefs in Depression: Biblical Case Histories
– What about Suicidal Behavior?
– The Dangerous Myths of Suicide: What you can do, what you can’t do
– New Trends in Antidepressant Medication
– Choosing the Right Therapist for You
– The Value of Exercise: Stepping out & Reaching Out
– The Power of Prayer and Meditation: What is it? And, How Does It Help?


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